Locator Bound Volume - BV-E00001 Type Book
Description Copy, Index of Maps, W.W. Coe
Notes Incomplete index to early engineering drawings.
Drawing numbers range from single digits into the high 2000s. Not all drawing numbers in that range listed.
~116 pages plus cover, several pages blank.
Date   Revision Date 09/21/1953
Author N&W Railroad Accession 2008.001 : Roanoke Chapter - NRHS

Copy, Index of Maps, W.W. Coe

Company Document Indexes
Name Section SubSection
N&W Rwy Indexes  

Railroads and Companies
Abbreviation Name
N&W RR Norfolk & Western Railroad

People Indexes
Job Title First Name Last Name
Chief Engr W.W. Coe

Related Documents
Type Number Locator Description
Related 1682 Hist Soc - HS-H00884 N&W RR, Lambert's Point, Norfolk Va - Showing contemplated Improvements and lay out of adjoining properties
Related 47 Hist Soc - HS-E02091 Truck Carriage for Yard West of Roanoke
Related 73 Hist Soc - HS-E02092 N&W RR, Suggestion for Cotton Warehouse at Norfolk
Related 510 Hist Soc - HS-E02100 Proposed Extension of Shed Bristol with Passenger Arrangement
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02706 Washington Branch - Front Royal, VA, Line "Z"
Related 1092 Hist Soc - HS-D05009 Untitled / no date. By Coe Book "Petersburg - Richmond & Petersburg Yard at"
Related 310 Hist Soc - HS-D05014 Port Warden's Line - Lamberts Lt - established in 1883
Related 388 Hist Soc - HS-H00901 General Plan of Coaling Station at Wilsons
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02707 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02708 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02709 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02710 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Linden, VA with Virginia Midland shown
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02711 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Line with profile
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02712 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey. "Wapping Creek"
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02713 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey. Line P1, "Pimmitts Run"
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02714 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02715 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02716 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, "Line L3", "Wapping road to Fron Royal"
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02717 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02718 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, "Line R4", "Road to Marshall", "Line A12"
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02719 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, "Road to Five Forks", "Line A12"
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02720 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, "County Road to Five Forks", "Cromwells Run"
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02721 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Profile, "Potomac Boat Club Landing", Plimmill Run, Line P1?
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-CC02722 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Profile, Shenandoah River
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-K00329 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Plimmitts Run, Line P1
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-K00330 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Plimmitts Run, Line P1, P3, Potomac River
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-K00331 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Profile, "Free Bridge", Georgetown, DC (opposite), South end Long Bridge
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-K00332 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Goose Creek
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-K00333 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Cromwells Run
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-K00334 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-K00335 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Profile, "Pimmitt Run Line", "Crossing B&O Survey", Line P1
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-K00336 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey with profile, "Hunter's Mill", "Grade Crossing W.O. & W. R.R"
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-K00337 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, profile, "Falls Church", "Ballston"
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-K00338 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, "Line A", Piney Branch, Vienna, VA
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-C04945 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, "East of Linden" in pencil
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-C04946 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-C04947 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-C04948 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, "Wapping Road"
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-C04949 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Unnamed railroad shown
Related 388 Hist Soc - HS-C04951 General Plan of Coaling Station at Wilsons
Related 1743 Hist Soc - HS-CC02724 N&W RR, Coal and Coke Operation in the Pocahontas Coal Field
Related 1743 Hist Soc - HS-CC02723 Untitled version of Coal Map with minimum labelling. Shows Coal operations by land
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-G01396 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-S00131 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Pimmitt's Run Line, Line P1
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-S00132 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Middleburg, Maxville Summit
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-R00062 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-R00063 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Line F, Along Shenandoah River
Related 1571 Hist Soc - HS-R00066 Profile of Projected Location from Cox's Mill on Chestnut Creek to New River via Chestnut Creek, Crab Creek and Little River
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-U00659 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, "Snake Den Summit",
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-F02521 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-F02522 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, "Wapping Road to Front Royal"
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-F02523 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, "Richmond & Danville RR"
Related 2507 Hist Soc - HS-F02524 Untitled, Washington Branch early survey, Line P1, "Washington and Alexandria Ry"
Related 550 Hist Soc - HS-D05280 N&W RR, Flat Top Extension, Projected Lines between Bluestone River and Flipping Creek
Related 1449 Hist Soc - HS-G01453 Tracing Showing The Drainage near Ceredo
Related 1710 Hist Soc - HS-G11013 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Siding to Proposed Mines on Sycamore Branch, Dunlow WV
Related 1710 Hist Soc - HS-D05275 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Siding to Proposed Mines - Sycamore Branch
Related 1710 Hist Soc - HS-D05276 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Siding to Proposed Mines - Sycamore Branch
Related 1710 Hist Soc - HS-D05274 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Siding to Proposed Mines - Sycamore Branch
Related 431 Hist Soc - HS-F02994 N&W RR, Plan of Trestle with 25 ft Center Span over Buddle Creek, Cripple Creek Extension
Related 1597 Hist Soc - HS-W00385 Map Showing Location of N and W. R.R. Ohio Extension, From Section 64 to Section 100 at the Mouth of Pigeon Creek
Related 2216 Hist Soc - HS-E02263 Wrights Cr. Crossing, Sta. 129
Related 2216 Hist Soc - HS-E02264 Wrights Cr. Crossing, Sta. 129
Related 2216 Hist Soc - HS-B13260 Map and Profile, Wrights Cr. Crossing, Sta. 129
Related 1029 Hist Soc - HS-G01659 Coal Lands of C.A. Andrews & Co.
Related 1811 Hist Soc - HS-E02364 Kenova West Virginia at the confluence of the Ohio and Big Sandy Rivers the point at which the three states of West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky Meet
Related 701 Hist Soc - HS-E02391 Map of Bluefield, Mercer County W.Va., Showing Proposed terminal facilities of the Clinch Valley Div. of the Norfolk and Western R.R.
Related 701 Hist Soc - HS-E02392 Map of Bluefield, Mercer County W.Va., Showing Proposed terminal facilities of the Clinch Valley Div. of the Norfolk and Western R.R.
Related 701 Hist Soc - HS-E02393 N&W RR, New River Division, Bluefield
Related 1811 Hist Soc - HS-G01657 Map of Kenova W.Va. showing properties of the Norfolk and Western R.R. and connecting lines
Related 2106 Hist Soc - HS-D06772 Bridge No 35, Spice Creek Xing, Section 28, Div 96.1, Ohio Extension N&W RR
Related 1060 Hist Soc - HS-D06777 N&W RR, Fence & Coalbox for servants quarters at Bluefield and Crewe
Related 1029 Hollinger - Hol-00284.24 Letter from W.W. Coe to Arthur Macy about land (see related)
Related 387 Hist Soc - HS-E02483 General Plan, Coaling Station at Central, N&W RR
Child 514 Hist Soc - HS-D10019 Rorer Iron Company's Tipple
Child 743 Hist Soc - HS-F10048 Design for the improvement of the Pocahontas Passenger Station
Child 797 Hist Soc - HS-CC10037 Undated map of Pulaski, VA showing location of water mains
Related 942 Hist Soc - HS-CC10329 N&W Railroad, Division Office Building. (Roanoke, Crewe & Bluefield at least)
Child 712 Hist Soc - HS-C10000 Plat of part of the Higginbotham Property at Bluefield.
Child 1388 Hist Soc - HS-W10010 Map showing N&W RR Ohio Extension from Ceredo to Ironton, and connections with Ironton RR and Scioto Valley.
Child 718 Hist Soc - HS-B10609 Plot of station lot at Bramwell
Child 984 Hist Soc - HS-C01121 Virginia Company - Shenandoah Iron Co. Plant at Bluefield, WV (Proposed Location Plan)
Child 2365 Hist Soc - HS-T10057 untitled map of portion of Petersburg VA along Appomatox River show right of way and routes of Southside RR and Norfolk & Petersburg RR
Child 876 Hist Soc - HS-H10242 Alternate Lines connecting the Eastern End of the New River Division with the Norfolk & Western Main Line
Child 506 Hist Soc - HS-H10286 Norfolk ~ land purchased at end of Main Street
Child 1512 Hist Soc - HS-CC11017 No title block. Shows N&W RR, Crozer Steel & Iron Co, Roanoke Land & Improvement Co, and Tinker Creek
Child 1738 Hist Soc - HS-CC11091 St Paul - map showing original and revised and additional right of way
Child   Hist Soc - HS-K10304 Stephenson, Mullin & Co - 56 ovens & track facilities on East Simmons
Child 846 Hist Soc - HS-G10585 W Va & Ohio surveys - 4 miles = 1 inch
Child 908 Hist Soc - HS-E10665 Simmons Creek - track facilities of Freeman & Jones - 40 coke ovens, and of John Cooper & Co's 100 ovens on Mill Creek
Related 593 Hist Soc - HS-G10711 Map Showing AM&O Right of Way Through City Point VA.
Child 476 Hist Soc - HS-E10914 Untitled, No date. "Initial of Measurements of the Norfolk Terminal Co."
Child 1678 Hist Soc - HS-E10925 Ohio Extension - lands of Barlow & Booth at confluence of Elkhorn and Tug Forks
Child 320 Hist Soc - HS-E10948 N&W RR, Plat showing Flat Top Extension from point of departure from New River Division at Bluestone Junction with spur tracks up Mill, Simmons & Flippings Creeks
Child 1844 Hist Soc - HS-D11751 N&W RR Ohio Extension - Sketch Showing North Fork Extension in vicinity of Leftwhich Branch and Possile Sites for Station Grounds and Wye
Child 1150 Hist Soc - HS-CC01602 "The South Side Railroad Co wharfs and land", "Rail road tracks and wharfs at City Point"
Child 380 Hist Soc - HS-K00145 Plan of Arrangement of Tracks at New River
Child 380 Hist Soc - HS-K00146 Plan of Arrangement of Tracks at New River
Child 1181 Hist Soc - HS-D03741 Water Tank - Iron - Foundations, etc.
Child 1181 Hist Soc - HS-D03742 Water Tank - Iron - Foundations, etc.
Related 286 Hist Soc - HS-C03581 Profile of New River Div. of N. & W. R.R.
Child 429 Hist Soc - HS-C03583 Untitled. Shows Barren Springs Furnace, Cripple Creek Extension
Child 51 Hist Soc - HS-CC01690 Dble. Cyl. 7x10 Reversible, Horiz Engine with Pulley on Crank Shaft, 6 Foundation Bolts 1" dia.
Child 3 Hist Soc - HS-CC01692 Untitled. "Lamberts Point Va - acreage of farms" - Appears to be a very early survey of Lambert's Point.
Child 492 Hist Soc - HS-CC01695 N&W RR, Buildings for New River and West End of Big Tunnel
Child 735 Hist Soc - HS-CC01696 Profile of Open Drain at Roanoke
Child 3 Hist Soc - HS-F02867 Untitled. "Lamberts Point Va - acreage of farms" - Appears to be a very early survey of Lambert's Point.
Child 214 Hist Soc - HS-E01725 7th Crossing Bluestone River - 108' Span (Bridge No. 641)
Child 193 Hist Soc - HS-C03646 AM&O RR Virginia & Tenn. Division, Drawing of Superstructure and Alternation to Masonry, Bridge No. 401, 11th Crossing of Beaver Creek
Child 1757 Hist Soc - HS-CC02123 N&W RR, Lambert's Point Norfolk Va., Plan Showing Completed and Immediately Contemplated Improvements
Child 385 Hist Soc - HS-B24117 20Lb Rail for Atkin's Coaling Station
Child 385 Hist Soc - HS-C04263 Cross-Sections taken at Atkins's Tank, Sta. 0 = Eastern Head Block of switch (Ele. are take from bottom of tie)
Child 385 Hist Soc - HS-CC02128 N&W RR, Atkins Coaling Station, Alteration to Bents 10 and 11 to allow for coaling engines on side track
Child 385 Hist Soc - HS-E02001 Details & Framing for Coaling Station, Atkins, N&W RR
Child 385 Hist Soc - HS-H00801 N&W RR, Coaling Station at Atkins Tank
Child 606 Hist Soc - HS-D04598 AM&O, Virginia and Tennesse Divn., Map of Depot Grounds at Crocket's Switch
Child 835 Hist Soc - HS-B24171 Trestle No. 4, Elkhorn Extension
Child 667 Hist Soc - HS-D04539 Map showing Taylor's Ridges Iron Ore Ranges, Mercer and Tazewell Counties
Child 2394 Hist Soc - HS-C04274 Plat of Clayton Lead between Wolfpit Branch & Bobbitt's Creek
Child 2267 Hist Soc - HS-C04277 N&W RR, Clinch Valley Division, Residency No 3, Outline Elevation of Trestle No 22 on 4 degree 30' curve
Child 2376 Hist Soc - HS-C04282 N&W RR, Ohio Extension, Land to be Deeded by W.P. Payne for right of way purposes at Long Pole Branch, McDowell County, W.Va.
Child 2268 Hist Soc - HS-C04284 N&W RR, Clinch Valley Division, Residency No 10, Outline Elevation of Trestle No 46 & 47
Child 428 Hist Soc - HS-C04285 Arch Culvert on Section 22, Cripple Creek Extn.
Child 573 Hist Soc - HS-CC02141 Proposed Additional Tracks at John Cooper and Company Mines
Child 2052 Hist Soc - HS-C04329 N&W RR, Ohio Extension, Plan for Crossing of Poor Branch, Div. No 2 - Sec 125 Sta 1325
Child 1311 Hist Soc - HS-C04334 Clinch Valley Division - N&W RR, Plan of Track Laying Pole Car
Child 2252 Hist Soc - HS-CC02241 N&W RR, Clinch Valley Division, Outline Elevation of Trestle No 6, Residency No 2
Child 2023 Hist Soc - HS-G01350 N&W RR, Ohio Extension, Div. No. 2 - Sec. 146. Sta. 1881, Plan for 32rd Crossing of Twelve Pole River
Related 977 Hist Soc - HS-C04344 Crank Foundation / Wheel Foundation
Child 535 Hist Soc - HS-C04347 N&W RR, Segments of Cast Iron Arch for Big Tunnel, Clear Span of Arch 13ft at the Springing Line
Child 1848 Hist Soc - HS-A07643 Land to be Deeded to the N&W RR by L.D. Trent at Wilmore Siding, McDowell County W.Va.
Child 944 Hist Soc - HS-CC02270 N&W RR, Platform at Austinville
Related 1890 Hist Soc - HS-CC02284 Plan of Foundation for 32ft scale with Dead Rail
Related 2352 Hist Soc - HS-B24223 Sketch Showing Right of Way of N&W RR from C&O Ry to River Front, "Siding A" Route
Related 2352 Hist Soc - HS-B24224 Land to be Deeded by the N&W RR to the Huntington and Big Sandy Railroad Co. at Kenova W.Va.
Related 1848 Hist Soc - HS-B24225 Land to be Deeded to the N&W RR by L.D. Trent at Wilmore Siding, McDowell County W.Va.
Related 977 Hist Soc - HS-D04637 N&W Railroad, Signal Tower
Related 215 Hist Soc - HS-D04638 No title or date. Bridge
Related 1215 Hist Soc - HS-F02453 Untitled, Mill Creek Coal & Coke Company, Coke Ovens
Related 1222 Hist Soc - HS-D04689 Map of a portion of Bedford County in the Vicinity of Embankment Washouts on Line of N&W RR caused by Storm of July 22nd 1889 with Map at smaller scale of Bedford and portions of adjoining Counties show area affected by the Storm
Related 499 Hist Soc - HS-G10935 Proposed Plan for Flat Top Yard
Related 499 Hist Soc - HS-D04762 Untitled, Continutation of HS-G10935
Related 499 Hollinger - Hol-00404.53 Proposed Plan for Flat Top Yard
Related 879 Hist Soc - HS-C04542 N&W RR, Plat of Tract at Norfolk, Proposed to be Leased to The Norfolk Terminal Co
Related 683 Hist Soc - HS-D04793 Little Reed Island Crossing
Related 445 Hist Soc - HS-D04803 Plan of Foot Bridge to Roanoke Machine Work over Shenandoah Valley R.R.
Related 1991 Hist Soc - HS-CC02418 Sketch showing land taken by North Fork Extension from Flat Top Coal Land Association & Crozer Land Co.
Related 739 Hist Soc - HS-CC02422 N&W RR, Western Division, Plans for Local Coaling Station, Radford
Related 739 Hist Soc - HS-CC02423 Suggestion for Coaling Station at Radford
Related 950 Hist Soc - HS-CC02424 N&W RR, Cripple Creek Extension, Projected Line to Iron Properties from Foster Falls and Little Reed Island Branch
Related 1426 Hist Soc - HS-D04864 Map of Lands in Wise Co. Va. to be needed by Joseph I. Doran to the Norton Land & Improvement Company
Related 1426 Hist Soc - HS-D04865 Map of Lands in Wise Co. Va. to be needed by Joseph I. Doran to the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company
Related 1426 Hist Soc - HS-D04866 Map of Lands in Wise Co. Va. to be needed by Joseph I. Doran to the Norfolk & Western Railroad Company
Related 1991 Hist Soc - HS-C04551 Sketch showing land taken by North Fork Extension from Flat Top Coal Land Association & Crozer Land Co.
Related 1991 Hist Soc - HS-C04552 Sketch showing land taken by North Fork Extension from Flat Top Coal Land Association & Crozer Land Co.
Related 1991 Hist Soc - HS-C04553 Sketch showing land taken by North Fork Extension from Flat Top Coal Land Association & Crozer Land Co.
Related 1991 Hist Soc - HS-B24432 Sketch showing land taken by North Fork Extension from Flat Top Coal Land Association & Crozer Land Co.
Related 1991 Hist Soc - HS-B24433 Sketch showing land taken by North Fork Extension from Flat Top Coal Land Association & Crozer Land Co.
Related 703 Hist Soc - HS-C04593 Sketch of Princes Flats, Wise County Va
Related 703 Hist Soc - HS-C04594 Sketch of Princes Flats, Wise County Va
Related 1012 Hist Soc - HS-CC02454 N&W RR, Design of Fence for Bluefield
Child 607 Hist Soc - HS-D04893 Christiansburg Depot - Station Lot
Related 813 Hist Soc - HS-D04901 N&W RR, Profile of approximate distances from Bluestone Junction to St Albans and Bluestone Junction to Brownstown 6-miles = 1-inch
Related 1428 Hist Soc - HS-D04908 Map of Lands of the Norfolk and Western R.R. Co. in Carroll County, Virginia adjacent to the North Carolina State Line
Related 1428 Hist Soc - HS-D04909 Map of Lands of the Virginia Company in Carroll County Virginia adjacent to the North Carolina State Line
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-CC02527 N&W RR Ohio Extension Standard Station Sign
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-CC02526 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Water Closet at North Kenova
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-H00869 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Standard Water Tank, Capacity 50,000 Gallons
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-G01374 Plan of Temporary Engine House at Kenova
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-B24506 Detail of Hinge, Temporary Engine House at Kenova.
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-G01375 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Combination Passenger & Freight Station, First Class, Showing Detaiils of Framing & Bill of Material
Related 1428 Hist Soc - HS-H00868 Untitled, undated Map of Lands of the Virginia Company in Carroll County Virginia adjacent to the North Carolina State Line
Related 1428 Hist Soc - HS-H00867 N&W North Carolina Extension, Map Showing Proposed Terminal Facilities of hte N&W RR at the Virginia and North Carolina State Line together with the distribution of land between tne N&W RR, Virginia Company and the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley RR
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-B24505 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Fence for Station Grounds
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-B24507 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Privy for Section - Men's House
Related 1356 Hist Soc - HS-C04697 Plot Showing Site for Depot Grounds at Cedar Bluffs
Related 1356 Hist Soc - HS-C04698 Plot Showing Site for Depot Grounds at Cedar Bluffs
Related 455 Hist Soc - HS-CC02583 Details of Single Throw Switch
Related 941 Hist Soc - HS-CC02596 Map Showing Actual Location of the Clinch Valley Division of the N&W RR at and near Graham, Va.
Related 542 Hist Soc - HS-CC02599 N&W RR, Sketch Showing Angle & Section of Rails at Crossing of Virginia Midland Railway and Norfolk & Western RR - Lynchburg Va.
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-C04706 N&W RR Ohio Extension, General Plan for Combination Passenger and Freight Station, First Class
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-C04707 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Standard Water Closet
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-CC02525 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Framing of Temporary Engine House at Kenova,
Child   Hist Soc - HS-F02504 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Framing for Boarding Cars (Sleepers)
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-D04919 N&W RR Ohio Extension, General Plan for Combination Passenger and Freight Station, Second Class
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-D04918 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Details of Framing and Bill of Material, Combination Passenger and Freight Station, Second Class
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-D04920 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Standard Second Class Section Foreman's House
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-C04708 Plan of Temporary Sand House at Kenova
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-C04709 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Standard Pump House for Water Stations
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-C04710 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Plan and Elevation for Portable Telegraph Office
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-C04711 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Div. No 2, Plan for Foundation of Lavalette Station Building
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-C04712 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Div. No 2, Plan for Foundation of Dunlow Station Building
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-C04713 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Div. No 2, Plan for Foundation of Wayne C.H. Station Building
Child 1926 Hist Soc - HS-C04714 N&W RR Ohio Extension, Foundations for Section Foremans House and House for Section Men
Child 323 Hist Soc - HS-S00126 N&W RR, Profile Norfolk to Bristol
Child 473 Hist Soc - HS-K00318 N&W RR - Eastern Div, Petersburg Yard, Showing Proposed Changes Colored Red
Child 1794 Hist Soc - HS-U00663 Kenova - shop yards showing proposed location of buildings. This plan has contours.
Child 1794 Hist Soc - HS-K10539 Kenova - shop yards showing proposed location of buildings.
Child 355 Hist Soc - HS-C05183 N&W RR, Sub-Division Sign
Child 647 Hist Soc - HS-C05216 Junction of S.A. and O. R.R. and N. and W. R.R.
Child 647 Hist Soc - HS-C05217 Junction of S.A. and O. R.R. and N. and W. R.R.
Child 1476 Hist Soc - HS-C05223 Plan of Cellar, Kenova Station
Child 49 Hist Soc - HS-C05230 N&W RR, Plan of Dump Car for Roanoke Coaling Station
Child 49-A Hist Soc - HS-C05231 N&W RR, Plan of Dump Car for Roanoke Coaling Station
Child 347 Hist Soc - HS-C05235 Norfolk Terminal Co. and Norfolk and Ocean View R.R., Steel Crossing
Child 1476 Hist Soc - HS-D05072 Plan of Foundations, Kenova Station
Child 347 Hist Soc - HS-D05104 Wrought Iron Connection for Joining 30lb. Rail of Norfolk and Ocean View RR, 56lb. Steel Rail Crossing of Norfolk Terminal Co.
Child 80 Hist Soc - HS-D05199 N&W RR, Plan of Bulkhead at Lamberts Point for Retaining Dredged Material
Child 1711 Hist Soc - HS-D05197 N&W RR, Ohio Extension, Siding to Proposed Mines on Mays Branch
Child 1711 Hist Soc - HS-D05198 N&W RR, Ohio Extension, Siding to Proposed Mines on Mays Branch
Child 726 Hist Soc - HS-H00918 Proposed Shed for Cotton and Tobacco to be built on Pier No 1 Norfolk, Framing Plan
Child 1305 Hist Soc - HS-CC02924 Abingdon station lot
Child 66 Hist Soc - HS-D05206 Proposed Location of New River Station and Siding, N&W RR
Child 67 Hist Soc - HS-D05207 N&W RR, Eastern Division, Suggestion for Foreman's House
Child 787 Hist Soc - HS-T00217 Map of Projected Railway Line from Roanoke to New Castle, VA with branch line from Salem to Hanging Rock
Child 80 Hist Soc - HS-C05277 N&W RR. Suggestion for Bulkhead to retain dredged material placed back of it. This can be used as anchorage for a bulkhead suitable for deep water to be build 12 feet in front of it when required
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-CC03195 N&W RR, Section through Warehouse Pier showing depth of dredging required in slips, Lamberts Point, Va.
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-CC03196 N&W RR, Detail of Bumper near End of Warehouse, Lamberts Point, Va.
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-CC03197 End View of Warehouse, Lamberts Point, Va.
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-CC03198 N&W RR, Front Elevation of Addition to Warehouse at Lambert's Point
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-CC03199 End View of Warehouse No. 2, Lamberts Point, Va.
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-CC03200 Plan of Bulkhead on the South Side of Coal Pier at Lambert's Point
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-CC03201 N&W RR, Plan showing location of Electric Lights in Warehouse at Lambert's Point
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-CC03202 N&W Ry, Sketch of Roof Trusses Warehouse No 1, Lamberts Point, Va.
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-D05424 Detail of Track Door at End of Warehouse - Lambert's Point
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-D05425 N&W RR, Sloping Gangway for Warehouse Pier at Lamberts Point
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-D05426 N&W RR, Suggestion for Water Pipes for Fire purposes at Lamberts Point Warehouse
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-D05427 Details of Sliding Doors for Warehouse at Lambert's Point Va.
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-D05428 N&W RR, Details of Bulkhead for Warehouse Pier at Lambert's Point Va.
Child 2291 Hist Soc - HS-D05429 N&W RR Clinch Valley Div., Big Creek Branch, General Plan for Trestle Bridges on Skew
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-E02216 N&W RR, Plan for Boiler House, Warehouse No. 2
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-H00974 No title block or date.
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-C05503 N&W RR, Sections of Warehouse & Pier, Lambert's Point, Va.
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-C05504 N&W RR, Plan of Warehouse, Lamberts Point
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-C05505 N&W RR, Framing Plan of Addition to Warehouse at Lambert's Point
Child 1418 Hist Soc - HS-C05506 Details of Offices for Warehouse, Lambert's Point Va.
Child 2291 Hist Soc - HS-C05527 N&W RR, Clinch Valley Division, General Plan for Trestle Bridges, Big Creek Branch
Child   Hist Soc - HS-W00400 Ohio Extension - preliminary line "E" Clinch River to Graydon on Tug River, plan and profile
Child 368 Hist Soc - HS-D05581 New Map of Goodson VA [Bristol]
Child 416 Hist Soc - HS-D05583 Iron Work, 60ft Canal Draw Bridge for Public Road from Brambleton to N&W Station at Norfolk, VA
Child 287 Hist Soc - HS-E02299 US Coast Guard and Geological Survey, James River, Vicinity of City Point, VA
Child 1292 Hist Soc - HS-W00417 Holston Lines, Porters Summit to N&W RR
Child 472 Hist Soc - HS-R00082 Profile, St Albans & Boone Co. RR
Child 472 Hist Soc - HS-T00246 Profile, St Albans & Boone Co. RR
Child   Hist Soc - HS-H01077 Suggestions for Lines to Connect the N&W RR with C.H.D. RR north from Kenova.
Child 487 Hist Soc - HS-G11115 Plat of Lands of Norfolk & Western RR, Shenandoah Valley RR Co., Roanoke Machine Works and Iron Belt Land Mining & Development Co. in vicinity of Roanoke VA showing from whom obtained with County Record and Date of Title
Child 1819 Hist Soc - HS-C06842 Ohio Extension - Line up Knox Creek
Child 1029 Hist Soc - HS-C07222 Location of Ward & Andrews coal property on the Elkhorn
Child 866 Hist Soc - HS-K10626 Profile of Experimental Line from New River Division to Indian Ridge by way of Mill Creek, Elkhorm and Burk Creek showing the relative positions of grade, water surface and the No. 3 Coal Vein