Locator Hist Soc - HS-CC01696 Type Drawing Doc Number 735
Description Profile of Open Drain at Roanoke
Notes Listed as "Profile of open drain between Commerce Street and 2nd Crossing of Lick Run" from W.W. Coe Index of Maps (BV-E00001) page 81.
Date 08/01/1887 Revision Date  
Author N&W RR - Office of Chief Engr Accession 2008.001 : Roanoke Chapter - NRHS

Profile of Open Drain at Roanoke

Size: 28in x 8in (70cm x 21cm)

Cities Indexes
City State
Roanoke VA

Railroads and Companies
Abbreviation Name
N&W RR Norfolk & Western Railroad

Related Documents
Type Number Locator Description
Parent   Bound Volume - BV-E00001 Copy, Index of Maps, W.W. Coe