Locator Hist Soc - HS-C03646 Type Drawing Doc Number 193
Description AM&O RR Virginia & Tenn. Division, Drawing of Superstructure and Alternation to Masonry, Bridge No. 401, 11th Crossing of Beaver Creek
Notes Scale 1"=4'
Date 09/19/1876 Revision Date  
Author   Accession 2008.001 : Roanoke Chapter - NRHS

AM&O RR Virginia & Tenn. Division, Drawing of Superstructure and Alternation to Masonry, Bridge No. 401, 11th Crossing of Beaver Creek

Size: 18in x 11in (46cm x 27cm)

Structures Indexes
Category Type
Bridge Masonry Plan

Railroads and Companies
Abbreviation Name
AM&O RR Atlantic Mississippi & Ohio Railroad

Division Indexes
Road Name Division District/Branch Mile Post
AM&O Virginia & Tennessee Division    

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