Locator Hist Soc - HS-C04334 Type Drawing Doc Number 1311
Description Clinch Valley Division - N&W RR, Plan of Track Laying Pole Car
Notes Scale 1"=1'
Date 11/05/1889 Revision Date  
Author N&W RR - Eng in Charge Accession 2009.001 : NS Corp/Va Tech Collection

Clinch Valley Division - N&W RR, Plan of Track Laying Pole Car

Size: 20in x 14in (51cm x 37cm)

Rolling Stock Indexes
Category Type Road Name Class Builder Other
M.of W. Poling Car N&W RR      

Railroads and Companies
Abbreviation Name
N&W RR Norfolk & Western Railroad

Division Indexes
Road Name Division District/Branch Mile Post
N&W RR Clinch Valley    

Related Documents
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Parent   Bound Volume - BV-E00001 Copy, Index of Maps, W.W. Coe