Locator Hist Soc - HS-D05104 Type Drawing Doc Number 347
Description Wrought Iron Connection for Joining 30lb. Rail of Norfolk and Ocean View RR, 56lb. Steel Rail Crossing of Norfolk Terminal Co.
Notes Scale Full Size
Date 02/13/1884 Revision Date  
Author N&W RR - Office of Chief Engr Accession 2009.001 : NS Corp/Va Tech Collection

Wrought Iron Connection for Joining 30lb. Rail of Norfolk and Ocean View RR, 56lb. Steel Rail Crossing of Norfolk Terminal Co.

Size: 27in x 17in (68cm x 42cm)

Structures Indexes
Category Type
Track Crossing

Railroads and Companies
Abbreviation Name
N&W RR Norfolk & Western Railroad
  Norfolk Terminal Railway Company
  Norfolk and Ocean View Electric Railroad

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