Locator Hist Soc - HS-H00867 Type Drawing Doc Number 1428
Description N&W North Carolina Extension, Map Showing Proposed Terminal Facilities of hte N&W RR at the Virginia and North Carolina State Line together with the distribution of land between tne N&W RR, Virginia Company and the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley RR
Notes Scale 1"=200'
Date 07/10/1890 Revision Date 03/26/1926
Author N&W RR - Office of Chief Engr Accession 2009.001 : NS Corp/Va Tech Collection

N&W North Carolina Extension, Map Showing Proposed Terminal Facilities of hte N&W RR at the Virginia and North Carolina State Line together with the distribution of land between tne N&W RR, Virginia Company and the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley RR

Size: 32in x 39in (81cm x 98cm)

Structures Indexes
Category Type

Railroads and Companies
Abbreviation Name
N&W RR Norfolk & Western Railroad
  Virginia Company, The
  Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley

Division Indexes
Road Name Division District/Branch Mile Post
N&W RR North Carolina    

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