Locator Hist Soc - HS-CC02724 Type Drawing Doc Number 1743
Description N&W RR, Coal and Coke Operation in the Pocahontas Coal Field
Notes Graham west to Welch, Coe book lists it as "Coal & Coke Operations in Pocahontas Coal Field - Annual Report - map 1891", Shows coal operation names and mile posts
Date 11/01/1891 Revision Date  
Author N&W RR - Office of Chief Engr Accession 2009.001 : NS Corp/Va Tech Collection

N&W RR, Coal and Coke Operation in the Pocahontas Coal Field

Size: 34in x 15in (87cm x 39cm)

Structures Indexes
Category Type

Company Document Indexes
Name Section SubSection
N&W RR Operations Coal & coke

Railroads and Companies
Abbreviation Name
N&W RR Norfolk & Western Railroad

Division Indexes
Road Name Division District/Branch Mile Post
N&W RR Pocahontas    

Related Documents
Type Number Locator Description
Related 1743 Hist Soc - HS-CC02723 Untitled version of Coal Map with minimum labelling. Shows Coal operations by land
Related   Bound Volume - BV-E00001 Copy, Index of Maps, W.W. Coe