Locator VGN Mech Dwg - VG-363D Type Drawing Doc Number VG-363D
Description Locomotives, "Viloco" Bell Ringer with Crank Box No. 19 for Short Bell Frame
Date 05/25/1927 Revision Date  
Author Virginian Railway Accession 2001.001 : Mark Faville

Locomotives, "Viloco" Bell Ringer with Crank Box No. 19 for Short Bell Frame

Size: 35in x 23in (89cm x 59cm)

Rolling Stock Indexes
Category Type Road Name Class Builder Other
Locomotive Electric VGN Rwy EL-1A Alco-Westinghouse  
Locomotive Electric VGN Rwy EL-3A Alco-Westinghouse 3(2-D-2)

Railroads and Companies
Abbreviation Name
VGN Rwy Virginian Railway