Locator Hist Soc - HS-C06221 Type Drawing Doc Number Y-6505
Description N&W Ry Durham District, Plan of Proposed Crossing Gates at West Main Street, Durham, NC
Date 08/01/1906 Revision Date 09/04/1906
Author N&W Rwy - Office Chief Engr Accession 2005.004 : Library of Virginia

N&W Ry Durham District, Plan of Proposed Crossing Gates at West Main Street, Durham, NC

Size: 18in x 8in (46cm x 21cm)

Cities Indexes
City State
Durham NC

Structures Indexes
Category Type
Crossing Gates
Crossing Grade

Railroads and Companies
Abbreviation Name
N&W Rwy Norfolk & Western Railway

Division Indexes
Road Name Division District/Branch Mile Post
N&W Rwy Norfolk Durham District