Locator Hist Soc - HS-B14716 Type Drawing Doc Number N-10291
Description N&W Ry, Pocathonas Div. - Tug Fork Branch, Plan showing Buildings to be leased, MP 4+, Wilcoe W.Va.
Notes Scale 1"=100'
Date 05/06/1931 Revision Date  
Author N&W Rwy - Office Chief Engr Accession 2005.004 : Library of Virginia

N&W Ry, Pocathonas Div. - Tug Fork Branch, Plan showing Buildings to be leased, MP 4+, Wilcoe W.Va.

Size: 18in x 8in (45cm x 22cm)

City Wilcoe - WV
Structure Turntable
Structure Building - Lease
Company N&W Rwy - Norfolk & Western Railway
Division N&W Rwy - Pocahontas - Tug Fork Br - 4.5