Locator Hist Soc - HS-B15050 Type Drawing Doc Number N-14260-C
Description N&W Ry, Eastern Reg. - Poca. Div. - C.V. Dist., Pro. Lease of track and land to Musicks Inc., MP N419+4392', Honaker Va.
Notes Scale 1"=100'
Date 03/23/1977 Revision Date  
Author N&W Rwy - Office Chief Engr Accession 2005.004 : Library of Virginia

N&W Ry, Eastern Reg. - Poca. Div. - C.V. Dist., Pro. Lease of track and land to Musicks Inc., MP N419+4392', Honaker Va.

Size: 14in x 8in (36cm x 21cm)

Parent N-14260 Hist Soc - HS-B15051 N&W Ry, Clinch Valley District, Proposed Siding and Lease of land for Russell Oil Comany, Inc., Formerly Russell Gas Company, MP N419+4191', Honaker Virginia
 Scale 1"=100'
City Honaker - VA
Structure Track - Siding
Structure Land - Lease
Company N&W Rwy - Norfolk & Western Railway
Division N&W Rwy - Pocahontas - Clinch Valley District - 419.83