Locator Hist Soc - HS-K00140 Type Drawing Doc Number 38-F-102
Description Steciling, GE Diesel Locmotives Class U30B, Applies to NW 8473-8476.
Date 12/08/1977 Revision Date 03/28/1980
Author N&W Rwy - Motive Power Accession 2008.002 : VA Museum of Transportation

Steciling, GE Diesel Locmotives  Class U30B, Applies to NW 8473-8476.

Size: 56in x 17in (141cm x 42cm)

Rolling Stock Indexes
Category Type Road Name Class Builder Other
Locomotive Diesel N&W Rwy U30B GE  

Railroads and Companies
Abbreviation Name
N&W Rwy Norfolk & Western Railway