Locator Hist Soc - HS-G10722 Type Drawing Doc Number D-7003
Description The Virginian Railway, Map of part of Roanoke showing Tracks and Buildings adjacent to crossing of Virginian Ry and N&W Ry (Winston-Salem Div.)
Notes Scale 1"=100', Shows area around VGN passenger station, Roanoke Iron Works, Roanoke Foundry
Date 08/03/1911 Revision Date  
Author VGN Rwy - Office Chief Engr Accession 2009.001 : NS Corp/Va Tech Collection

The Virginian Railway, Map of part of Roanoke showing Tracks and Buildings adjacent to crossing of Virginian Ry and N&W Ry (Winston-Salem Div.)

Size: 54in x 31in (136cm x 79cm)

Cities Indexes
City State
Roanoke VA

Structures Indexes
Category Type
Station Freight
Station Passenger
Building Foundry

Railroads and Companies
Abbreviation Name
N&W Rwy Norfolk & Western Railway
VGN Rwy Virginian Railway