Locator Hist Soc - HS-C00055 Type Map Doc Number 12545-H
Description Map showing RoW of Virginia Anthracite Coal & Railway Co through lands of C. B. Clark
Notes Shows 0.9 acres of right of way from station 231+24 through station 237+75. Adjoining landowners are Orville McNorton and Chester McNorton.
Date 01/05/1903 Revision Date  
Author Va Anthracite Coal & Ry Co Accession 2005.004 : Library of Virginia

Map showing RoW of Virginia Anthracite Coal & Railway Co through lands of C. B. Clark

Size: 13in x 11in (33cm x 28cm)

Cities Indexes
City State
Christiansburg VA

Railroads and Companies
Abbreviation Name
VAC&RY Virginia Anthracite Coal & Railway

Division Indexes
Road Name Division District/Branch Mile Post
N&W Rwy Radford Blacksburg Br